131102 nearing the end of the day - chickens coming inside for the night
130509 Handsome Frank
20111018_a small basket of pullet's eggs
20111008_a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte rooster
20111008_Henry is a Light Brahma rooster
20111008_Henry has to be in every picture
20111008_there is no avoiding Henry, as he comes over to check out the camera
20111005 An Americana laid our 1st pullet egg, the little green egg
20110929 loaded up and about to go for the last drive
20110910 two funny faces
20110910 a strutting tom turkey
20110924 the iridescence was striking
20110910_face details - look at the colours
20110831 such funny faces
20110831 the colours on our bronze turkeys were incredible
20110831 feather detail
20110831 What did you say they are planning?
20110831 the bronze gang
20110710 feather detail on a a Blue laced red wyandotte pullet
20110630 Pullets - various breeds
20110710 Americana pullet - isn't she cute?
20110710 Americana pullet - better picture of the "beard"
20110524 Can I sit here, it's nice and warm
20110524 Shhhh - don't tell anyone that I am not a chick...
20110524 You can't see me, right?
20110519 lots of chicks
20110519 cute chicks
20110519 3 week old Bronze turkeys
20110519 3 wk old Bronze turkeys
20110517 Light Brahmas; Buff Orpingtons;Blue laced red wydanottes; Arcana chicks
20110517 cute chicks
2011051 new chicks
20101219 We love a snowy day and a full tub of water
20101219 A good old-fashioned duck bath
20101219 I'm bathing wait your turn
20101219 No I'm not done yet
20100926_feather details
20100619 Pullets exploring new areas, almost 3 months old
20100412 Thirteen days old - notice wing feather development
20100412 Thirteen days old and growing fast
Rhode Is Red; Barred Plymouth Rock; New Hamp X BPR; Columbian Rock X Red chicks
Our new chicks arrive 20100331
The girls hard at work
Day-old chicks
More chicks
Resting after work
Thurston preening in front of one of his ladies
Do you have treats for us?
20100926_we need treats!